Well guess its not been all that boring, as we have had the adventure of buying a home in Auction, done a half marathon/Marathon (in case of Mr Nomad) and are training for Marathon.
However, for the first time in our lives, we have certain commitments (like mum living with us) that makes taking off for along period of time a bit difficult. Have sooo many places to visit that I am confused...
Well the options are
- Go to Leh in July, in time for the Greta Tibet Marathon. problem is that, we need at least 5 to 6 weeks for this trip... two to three weeks to catch up with family in India, two weeks to acclimatise and do a hike before the marathon, and a week to visit friends and shopping. So guess given the time frame its out of question this year... LOL
- Do a trip to India in October and again do some hiking in the Himalayas for about two weeks, while catching up with family and Friends for 3 weeks. A possibility but too far away...
- Do a trip to Tibet in october. Have to wait and see the effect of all this anti china protests around the world has on Tibet tourism for us foreigners!
Given all these issues, and the fact that Mr Nomad has decided to go for laser eye surgery, since he is finding multi focal a pain... means we cant decide anything right now! So have decided to take a short break (read a long weekend to keep our vasanas satiated). Once we decided on this I have been reading up some stuff, and here is what I found. We can visit the southern most land in Australia and stay in the light house... the good news about this trip is unless you are fit you cant get there, as the only way in is a 18 Km walk on a medium strenous walk. Apparently while the path is well defined, there are parts that are quite steep. I really look forward to the walk as described by the 'greenman' in his blog http://thegreenman.net.au/mt/archives/000416.html
Here is a picture of the lighthouse and surrounds.
Am planning on doing this in June. Expect it to be a bit wet and cold, but unlike the Greenman, we hope to take a day off at the lighthouse just wandering around and hence hope to be not that tired.
Wait for the posting once we have done the walk... :-)